Payroll Tax Preparation
BKA is well versed in the fundamentals of payroll taxes, through Ben’s experience in public accounting manning the front lines of collecting payroll data, remitting taxes, and preparing returns, to structuring a sophisticated accounting/payroll integration with a payroll service provider for a multiple-entity, multi-state enterprise while working as a controller.

Payroll Done Right
If you are a single-employee enterprise, such as an S-Corporation and you are the president, Ben will carefully structure your compensation to maximize the benefits of being an S-Corporation.
BKA also maintains relationships with payroll tax service providers, who may be brought in to augment BKA’s services, should the situation warrant.
If you are buried under a mountain of IRS notices for payroll taxes or civil penalties, contact us. Or if you want to stay out of trouble by carefully planning your company’s payroll, again, reach out to begin the discussion.